Scientific studies & consumer anecdotes about healthier living by reversing NAD+ decline (for information purposes only)

Tag: nicotinamide riboside Page 2 of 8

Can Nicotinamide Riboside Help Expedite Injury and Workout Recovery?

Back in 2020, Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) joined The Genius Life podcast to discuss NAD+, and vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). At the time, Brenner addressed specific safety concerns. This week, during a return visit, Brenner offered new comments on a clinical trial he’s particularly interested in:

What Are Natural Sources of Nicotinamide Riboside?

Consumers often wonder whether they can raise their NAD+ levels by simply eating certain foods rich in NAD+ precursors. Unfortunately, NAD+ precursors like Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide “NMN” (FAQs and Anecdotes) are only found in trace amounts in food:

FAQs on NAD+ Supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) and Sleep Benefits

We know that NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) improves sleep in mice. But what about humans? The following are a number of anecdotes from consumers claiming to have experienced sleep benefits from NR supplementation:

What’s the Most Underrated Benefit of NAD+? “Skin”

Over the years, we’ve heard some remarkable anecdotes from consumers claiming skin benefits from taking NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Could there be some basis for these claims? NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) shared some news on this very topic during an appearance on the Darin Olien podcast this week:

Should I Take Nicotinamide Riboside with Food?

One of the most common questions consumers have about NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) is whether to take it with or without food. Here’s what NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) has said:

What Can You Expect from Taking Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”?

You might have read the many life changing anecdotes we have from consumers taking NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). But how do NAD+ scientists describe their own NR experiences? Here’s what Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) said on a podcast last month:

Instead of an NAD+ IV, How About a Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” IV?

You’ve likely heard of NAD+ IVs. What about NR IVs? During an episode of the “Forever Young” podcast last month, Chromadex CEO Rob Fried was asked about future opportunities beyond oral supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Here’s what he said:

An Update on Recent Clinical Trials Using Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”

During last night’s earnings call, Chromadex CEO Rob Fried discussed the results of recent clinical trials using NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”  (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Here’s what he said:

Should the New Niacin Study Concern Consumers of NAD+ Booster Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)?

As you probably know, there’s a lot of Niacin in Western diets. So, when a new, potentially concerning Niacin study was published last week, the media sounded the alarm, and word spread quickly. Furthermore, those taking NAD+ boosters Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”  (FAQs) (Anecdotes) and/or Nicotinamide Mononucleotide “NMN” (FAQs and Anecdotes) began to wonder whether they, too, were at risk. But, as it turns out, there are some serious flaws in this whole narrative.

Dr. Drew: “If I Had Access to Only One Supplement, NR Would Be That Supplement”

Earlier this week, Dr. Drew interviewed NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) to discuss NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Here are some highlights on the importance of NAD+, NR vs NMN, NR dosage, and more (full video interview embedded below):

An Update on Parkinson’s Studies Using Nicotinamide Riboside

We’ve written a lot about ongoing clinical trials testing NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) for Parkinson’s patients. Fortunately, Chromadex (NR sellers) CEO Rob Fried gave the following update on those trials at an investor conference earlier this week:

How Much Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” Should You Take?

A common question consumers have is how much Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) to take daily. During an appearance on “The Story of a Brand” podcast, Chromadex (sellers of NR) CEO Rob Fried offered the following:

How Can You Tell if Supplementing with Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is Helping You?

While obvious to some, many consumers often wonder whether the supplement they’re taking is positively impacting them. If the latter is you, you might find the following useful. During an appearance on “The Story of a Brand” podcast, Chromadex (sellers of NR) CEO Rob Fried had some advice for those taking vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) and wondering if it’s working:

On New Podcast, Chromadex CEO Describes His Own Experience Taking Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)

During his appearance on this week’s “The Story of a Brand” podcast, Chromadex (sellers of NR) CEO Rob Fried described his own experience taking NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Here’s what he said (podcast and transcript below):

7 Rules for Aging Better (including NR)

At a longevity conference last year, NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) shared his 7 rules for aging better, including taking vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Transcript and video below:

NR and Safety: “We’ve Never Seen Any Serious Adverse Events that are Attributable to NR”

At a conference last year, Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs), who discovered Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) as an NAD precursor vitamin discussed the safety of NR. Here’s what he said (video and transcript below):

Fertility Doc: “Repleting NAD – It’s One of the Greatest Tools in My Tool Chest”

Back in 2021, we profiled Harvard-trained fertility specialist Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh AKA “The Egg Whisperer”, and her experience with NAD+ boosting supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Now, in late 2023, Dr. Aimee appears even more enthusiastic. Here’s her recent appearance on the “Habits and Hustle” podcast (video and transcript below):

How Much Nicotinamide Riboside Should You Take Daily?

This is one of the most common questions people have about NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). There’s the FDA recommended dose, but many people take more. Here’s what Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) said in an interview last week:

New Study Shows 1000 mg Nicotinamide Riboside Improved Walking in PAD Patients

In a recent interview, Northwestern’s Dr. Mary McDermott discussed key findings from her team’s randomized clinical trial investigating whether NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) can enhance walking performance in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). The results (using 1000 mg NR) showed that NR significantly improved six-minute walking distance and treadmill walking time in PAD patients. A transcript and video of Dr. McDermott’s interview below:

Optimism about Nicotinamide Riboside for Parkinson’s Patients

While we await data from clinical trials on the efficacy of NAD+ boosters like Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”  (FAQs) (Anecdotes) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide “NMN” (FAQs and Anecdotes), we’re always on the lookout for comments from experts in the field to hear their current thinking. Earlier this week at an investor conference, Chromadex (NR seller) management had the following to say about NR for Parkinson’s patients (transcript and video below):

Latest Update on Nicotinamide Riboside Human Trials

From Chromadex’s (NR seller) earnings call last week:

Why Did Chromadex Recently Launch 1000 mg NR?

Once you’ve decided to supplement with NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes), you might wonder what dose to take. If that’s the case, you might find this post helpful. And what about the new 1000mg version from Chromadex? Here’s how management explained it on last week’s earnings call:

The One Sentence Pitch for Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”

While consumers claim to have experienced a variety of life-changing benefits from taking NAD+ boosting supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes), NAD+ expert Charles Brenner (FAQs) says he takes it for the following reasons:

In New AMA, Dr. Huberman Says NR and NMN Give Him “Sustained Mental & Physical Energy”

While admittedly not an NAD+ expert, Stanford neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman is very interested in the NAD+ space. He currently takes NR  (FAQs) (Anecdotes) and NMN (FAQs and Anecdotes). Here’s what he said on an AMA yesterday (key points in bold, summary at the end):

The Case for Taking Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)

On a podcast last month, Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) made the case for taking NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Video and transcript below:

The Case Against NAD+ IVs

During last week’s Neuro Experience podcast, NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) made the case against NAD+ IVs. Here’s what he said (transcript and video below):

Reddit AMA: Dr. Brenner Responds to Questions on NMN vs NR

During this week’s Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked about NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) vs NMN (FAQs). Here’s the Redditor’s question followed by Brenner’s response:

Reddit AMA: Dr. Brenner Responds to Questions about NR and Diabetes

During an ongoing Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked about NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) and diabetes. Here’s the Redditor’s question followed by Brenner’s response:

Reddit AMA: Dr. Brenner Responds to Questions about NR, NMN Clinical Trials

During an ongoing Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked about clinical trials studying NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Again, keep in mind that Dr. Brenner takes NR daily. Here’s the Redditor’s question followed by Brenner’s response:

Reddit AMA: Dr. Brenner Responds to Questions about Why Take NR

During an ongoing Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked repeatedly to make the case for taking NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Again, keep in mind that Dr. Brenner takes NR daily. Here’s the Redditors’ questions followed by Brenner’s responses:

Reddit AMA: Dr. Brenner Responds to Questions about NR and Cancer

During an ongoing Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked whether Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) supplementation could enhance the growth of cancer. Keep in mind that Dr. Brenner takes NR daily. Here’s the Redditor’s question followed by Brenner’s response:

Liposomal NR vs. Regular NR

There’s been a lot of discussion lately (particularly on subreddits NR and NMN) comparing the liposomal version of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) with regular Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). To get some clarity on the issue, we reached out to the Niagen team for their perspective. Here’s what they said:

An Update from Breast Cancer Expert Dr. Brunie Felding on Her Work with NAD+ Booster NR

We’ve long known that Scripps Research’s Dr. Brunie Felding has been studying NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) as a possible treatment for breast cancer. But, aside from a brief mention of her work by NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner, we’ve heard virtually nothing. Until now. Chromadex (sellers of NR) recently gave consumers an opportunity to ask Dr. Felding various questions via email. The following is an email response from Dr. Felding (published with permission):

The Flawed Case for NMN

Last week, Dr. Andrew Salzman joined “The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman M.D.” to discuss NAD+, NR (FAQs), and NMN (FAQs). Dr. Salzman made the case that if you want to raise your NAD+ levels, NMN is your best option. There are 2 problems here. First, neither Dr. Salzman nor Dr. Hyman disclosed Salzman’s ties to a company that sells NMN. Second, according to Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs), Dr. Salzman’s case for NMN’s superiority is flawed. Brenner knows this from his own work. But, first, here’s Dr. Salzman on Dr. Hyman’s podcast:

On a New Podcast, Dr. Vilhelm Bohr Discussed His Alzheimer’s Research, and the Benefits of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)

On a podcast published this week entitled “An NAD Booster That Improves Cellular Health In The Brain“, Dr. Vilhelm Bohr, a molecular biologist, professor at the University of Copenhagen, and former chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at the National Institute on Aging (NIA), discussed his Alzheimer’s research, and his enthusiasm for NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Dr. Bohr’s research reminds us of similar work by Alzheimer’s expert Dr. Rudy Tanzi. The following is an excerpt from Dr. Bohr’s podcast interview (transcript and video below):

Anecdote #31: “I hope this testimonial finds its way to help anyone feeling a loss of energy or sluggishness in their life”

Back in April 2021, we heard from Kirk Carter who shared his extraordinary experience taking NAD boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Life Changing Testimonials). Two years later, we have an update. It gets better:

The 1-Minute Case (No Science) for Taking NAD+ Booster Nicotinamide Riboside (Video)

At the LD Micro Investor Conference last week, Chromadex CEO Rob Fried made the case for taking NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Here’s what he said (transcript and video below):

Contrary to Claims by Dr. Sinclair, Nicotinamide Riboside (Niagen) is Stable

In a 2020 podcast, Harvard’s Dr. David Sinclair explained why he took (and continues to take) NAD+ boosting supplement NMN (FAQs and Anecdotes) over fellow NAD+ booster NR (FAQs) (Anecdotes). One of his reasons was that NMN was more stable. Is this in fact true?

Dr. Brenner: “I Don’t Call NR an Anti-Aging Drug”

During his recent appearance on the “Beauty and the BS” podcast with Dr. Peter Grossman, Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked whether NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) is an anti-aging pill. Here’s what he said:

Can Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” Help Fight Chronic Inflammation?

During a recent podcast, Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked how NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) impacts inflammation. Here’s what he said:

What’s NAD+? “It’s Essential for Life”

Last week, NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was a guest on the “Beauty and the BS” podcast with Dr. Peter Grossman. Here’s how Dr. Brenner explained why NAD+ is so crucial, and why he supplements with NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes):

What Did the Norwegian Government Do in Response to the Recent NR/Parkinson’s Clinical Trial?

Last week, NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was a guest on the “Beauty and the BS” podcast with Dr. Peter Grossman. They covered a wide range of topics including NAD+, Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes), NMN (FAQs, Anecdotes), and anti-aging. Most notably, Dr. Brenner said the following in response to a question about the safety of NR (video excerpt embedded below):

Any Doubt the New York Yankees Take NR?

We’ve long known that the most successful NFL franchise of the last 2 decades takes NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). And, while we were told that the most successful major league baseball team of all time, the New York Yankees takes NR too, some were skeptical. But then there’s this from NAD+ and NR expert (and avid Boston Red Sox fan!) Dr. Charles Brenner’s (FAQs) visit to the Bronx yesterday:

“Five Recent Advancements in Parkinson’s Disease Research” Includes Nicotinamide Riboside Study

In honor of Parkinson’s Awareness Month, Labiotech has a comprehensive piece examining five recent advancements in Parkinson’s disease research. Here’s an excerpt from the section on NAD+ boosting vitamin Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes):

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Here’s the Missing Clip on Supplements from Alzheimer’s Expert Dr. Rudy Tanzi’s Recent Appearance on the “In The Bubble” Podcast

If you listened to former White House advisor Andy Slavitt’s recent podcast “Are We on the Verge of Curing Alzheimer’s?“, you learned a lot. But you were also surprised by the way it ended. Slavitt was joined by world renowned Alzheimer’s experts, Dr. Paul Aisen and Dr. Rudy Tanzi. Toward the end of the podcast, Dr. Aisen advised those interested in taking measures to prevent Alzheimer’s that taking supplements made no sense. You’d have expected a response from Dr. Tanzi, since we know he disagrees. But none came. So, we, at RaisingNAD reached out to Dr. Tanzi, and learned that his response to Dr. Aisen was edited out. Fortunately, the folks at Lemonada were kind enough to share Tanzi’s comments with us, which we’ve embedded and transcribed below:

Should Consumers Start Taking NR, Especially if They Have Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s? A Scientist Weighs In

You’re likely aware of the recently published and very encouraging clinical results using NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Life Changing Anecdotes) in a study relating to Alzheimer’s. If you missed it, you can catch up here and here. Late last week, the lead investigator, Dr. Christopher R. Martens gave a podcast interview to discuss results of his study. Here’s a key excerpt (podcast embedded below):

You Might Be Surprised to Hear How NR Seller Chromadex Described Competitor NMN During Last Night’s Earnings Call

During last night’s quarterly earnings call, a fund manager asked Chromadex CEO Rob Fried about the efficacy of NMN (FAQs, Anecdotes). NMN is, of course, an NAD+ boosting supplement that competes with Chromadex’s NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside (FAQs + Dosage) (Life-Changing Anecdotes). Here’s what CEO Fried said in response:

Most Popular at RaisingNAD

At RaisingNAD, we have limited science background. So, this site is devoted to helping other non-scientists quickly understand the complex and confusing world of NAD+ health supplements like NMN and NR. Please consider sharing this site with anyone you think might find it useful. And, if this site helps you, and you’d like to support our efforts, please contact us. We’d be grateful. The following are our most popular blog posts:

In an Interview, Scientist Discusses Key Findings from His Alzheimer’s Related Study Using NR

In late December, Dr. Christopher R. Martens and his team at the University of Delaware published results of a study using NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Life Changing Anecdotes). The title of their paper is “Oral nicotinamide riboside raises NAD+ and lowers biomarkers of neurodegenerative pathology in plasma extracellular vesicles enriched for neuronal origin“. You can read it HERE. Earlier this week, Dr. Martens was interviewed by wherein he discussed his findings. Here are some excerpts:

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