During an ongoing Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked whether Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) supplementation could enhance the growth of cancer. Keep in mind that Dr. Brenner takes NR daily. Here’s the Redditor’s question followed by Brenner’s response:

REDDIT Question:

“What is the theoretical basis for believing that NR supplementation could enhance the growth of cancer?

Is there scientific evidence to support or refute this hypothesis?

Should this be a cause for concern for those using or considering NR supplementation?


“we have a number of types of cancer in which NAD metabolism is depressed. here’s an example


there are multiple animal models in which higher NAD status was protective against cancer

REDDIT Question:

“Addendum: I think it’s surprising and probably dishonest, that you, an NAD metabolism expert, don’t have more to say about the possible links of NR supplementation and cancer than to link one study that suggests a possible benefit.

This recent study showed risk of breast cancer with NR use:

A bioluminescent-based probe for in vivo non-invasive monitoring of nicotinamide riboside uptake reveals a link between metastasis and NAD+ metabolism – ScienceDirect

If you want to be an unbiased, credible expert guiding the public here on Reddit about using NR, you should present both pros and cons, and address legitimate concerns in a balanced way.

You know, or should know, that there is a theoretical concern here and you just blew it off.


“ahhh the bioluminescent study.

no, that is not a risk for breast cancer.

that was a study in which investigators took small numbers of mice and injected fluorescently labeled human triple negative breast cancer cells into them and then hyped meaningless measurements into a national story

that is not a serious paper

and I don’t mind showing you one that I think is more of a potential concern

(you might also be reminded that I said the AMA is on the first monday in September but you are making conclusions of what I am blowing off on the 25th of august)

here is a paper that shows that higher NAMPT expression can be a problem in glioma


however, it is not entirely clear what this means because here’s another paper showing that NAPRT expression is DEPRESSED in PPM1D-mutant glioma


and here’s a paper showing that interferon signaling makes pancreatic cancers highly sensitive to NAMPT inhibition


please remember: you can have easy to digest answers, fast answers or nuanced answers. if you want accurate nuanced answers, you can’t get your information from BS papers”


  • Reddit AMA: Dr. Brenner Responds to Qs about Why Take NR (Link)
  • Dr. Charles Brenner supplements with NR daily (FAQs)
  • One of the co-authors of the “BS paper” Brenner references (Link)
  • NR and Cancer (FAQs)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Life Changing Anecdotes)

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