During an ongoing Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs) was asked repeatedly to make the case for taking NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Again, keep in mind that Dr. Brenner takes NR daily. Here’s the Redditors’ questions followed by Brenner’s responses:


“As the person who has the longest history with using NR, what personal benefits have you observed from consistent use over a decade or so?


“thank you for the softball question but this isn’t something one can really answer with certainty

there are ppl out there who talk about their parents taking some supplement and slaying the world.

I can tell you that I feel personally blessed. At the age of 59 I found my new partner, we married last year and I am looking forward to turning 62 with a lot of energy and vitality.

My wife competes in marathons in the 40-45 yr division so there is a lot of physical activity in the home (including school age kids and a big dog).

All of those things help me stay active and positive

There is scientific evidence for some of the things ppl notice about niagen, i.e., anti-inflammatory activity, promotion of COVID recovery.

People are testing many of the other things, like repair, workout recovery, and wound healing.

I think you will see RCTs (Randomized Control Trials) completed in these areas in coming years so that you don’t have to depend on personal accounts”


“Who should NOT supplement with NR?


“I don’t give medical device. We always say ask your doctor if you have specific diseases or conditions.

Your first health-promoting behaviors start with good sleep, good food (not too much), avoiding nonprescribed drugs & alcohol, high physical and mental activity and social engagement

IMO NR is a useful tool to maintain resiliency in the face of metabolic stresses that challenge the NAD system, which are rampant (sunlight, ROS, noise, overnutrition, alcohol, infection, inflammation, postpartum, etc, etc)


“If an “everyday joe” wanted to try NR for general health:

1) which dose might they start with, and

2) for how long should they try supplementing with NR before making a decision on whether to continue or not?

3) will beneficial impact of NR supplementation always be noticeable?


“the label says 300 mg per day and that surely will elevate NAD in humans

(the patented NR chloride made by the company that developed the IP has been safety tested to 2 to 3 grams per day)

one good test is with workout recovery. the other thing almost everyone notices is your hair and fingernails will grow faster.

I can’t say that everyone notices effects but it’s frequently noted that people get through cold season without incident and people recovery from scrapes and burns much faster than they would have without NR.

in fact, we plan to do a randomized clinical trial to measure minor wound healing


“Do you supplement with NR personally? Would you recommend a typical 40 to 50-year-old healthy person supplement with NR with a goal of enhancing longevity? Does NR have benefits in raising NAD beyond just using high-dose Niacin ? Thank you.


“I was the first human being to take NR. It’s documented here


I don’t refer to NR as a longevity drug bc you can’t do the trial.

the use case is to enhance resiliency and repair.

the value of taking NR derives from the activity of the NR kinase pathway in every known cell and tissue and also that the NR kinase pathway ramps up when the NAD system comes under attack.

We think this is key to the value proposition of NR versus other NAD precursors”


  • Reddit AMA: Dr. Brenner Responds to Qs about NR & Cancer (Link)
  • How much NR should you take? When? (Link)
  • Dr. Charles Brenner supplements with NR daily (FAQs)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Life Changing Anecdotes)

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