Scientific studies & consumer anecdotes about healthier living by reversing NAD+ decline (for information purposes only)

Anecdote #10: Was Bill’s Pet Cat Cured With the Help of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)?

We periodically hear stories of people feeding their pets NAD boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Chromadex CEO Rob Fried did so to help save his dog. Michael announced plans to do so recently and came here to RaisingNAD seeking dosing advice. Now comes Bill Walker with a remarkable story of NR possibly saving his cat (please consider sharing your own NAD+ supplement experience below):

Bill’s Cat and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR):

“A bit over two years ago, my then-7-year-old cat had a fast-growing tumor on his neck.

The vet removed the outer part of it, but said that she could see huge internal tumors.

The lab work came back and she diagnosed it as a feline injection-site sarcoma from his rabies vaccination.

The prognosis was very bad.

So I gave the cat 150 mg of NR daily for a month, then have kept him on 150 mg once a week.

The cat looks better now than he did then, and he still goes out every night through the dog door to catch rodents.

Sometimes he releases live flying squirrels in the house at 3 AM.

Did the NR cure his feline injection-site sarcoma?

Obviously I can’t know from a one-cat experiment, but it’s certainly an interesting case.

It could be that NR activates mitochondria, or that NAD+ is necessary to power some other part of the apoptosis system.

We need more veterinary studies on NR… maybe it could prevent a lot of pet cancers.”


  • Please consider sharing your own NAD+ supplement experience using the form below. Others will undoubtedly benefit.
  • FAQs on Feeding Supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) to Pets (Link)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Consumer Reviews)
  • We’re on Twitter @RaisingNAD


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Chromadex CEO: Phase 3 Study on COVID-19 & Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Recruiting Underway


Anecdote #11: “Our Niagen Baby”

1 Comment

  1. Jackie

    My female cat will be 20 years old in November 2022. She had had diabetes for over 5 years…….until recently. I bought a year’s supply of NMN via subscription from DONOTAGE as a jar of powder. I bought the supplement for myself, but decided to also “experiment” with it on my cat. So when she was diabetic, for over 5 years, she had been taking 1 unit of Caninsulin twice a day at meals, 12 hours apart. I started giving her NMN powder in her meals (she was fed two meals a day but she was a grazer). I started mixing in NMN powder plus an equivalent ratio of TMG in the beginning of June 2022. I could not measure such a tiny amount, but I’m guessing the dose equated to about 1/8th of a gram daily of each (she weighs about 8 pounds). That may seem high, but they were super high dosing the mice in those studies, and I don’t believe it’s possible to over-dose on NMN (might just be a bit wasteful if anything). Well, one day she went into hypo-glycemic shock and we rushed her to the vet (third week of July 2022), turns out her blood sugar was too low…..this happened in late morning a couple of hours after her morning meal and insulin shot. Vet gave her some sugar and said to stop giving insulin (she may not need it anymore due to possible remission). I was told to keep her off insulin a full month. A month later (third week of August 2022), she was tested and her glucose level was 15. Still a bit high, but I was told it was not enough to treat and she could stay off insulin. Just watch her bathroom habits, eating, drinking, etc. So she’s been off insulin now for over a full month with no change in her habits…..pees about twice a day, poos about once every 3 days on average, normal drinking and eating. I still give her NMN and TMG in her (two) meals a day. The TMG are tablets and I shave off a dose with kitchen shears….it has to be kept in saran wrap as it absorbs moisture from the air and turns mushy. I truly believe that the NMN supplement put her diabetes in remission.

14 Pingbacks

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  13. Jackie on Her Pet Cat: "I Truly Believe that the NMN Supplement Put Her Diabetes in Remission" - Raising NAD+ (with B3 Vitamins)
  14. FAQs on Feeding Supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) to Pets - Raising NAD+ (with B3 Vitamins)

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