Chromadex CEO Rob Fried appeared on the Habits and Hustle Podcast to discuss his movie career, NAD+, and Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Key quotes, podcast link, and video embedded below:

On the Impact of NAD+ Decline

“NAD declines with age and under stress. And getting old is stressful in a lot of ways. Getting old qualifies as physiological stress. Virtually every age related disorder that you can think of is also associated with a decline in NAD.”

On the Impact of Raising NAD+ in Animal Studies

“In December of 2012, another study was published that replicated that original Resveratrol mouse study that showed that if we elevate NAD levels we can turn a 60 year old mouse into a 20 year old mouse physiologically.”

On the Impact of Taking NR

“TRU Niagen is an ingredient. The scientific names is Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). And Nicotinamide Riboside is a precursor to NAD — meaning, if you take TRU Niagen it will elevate NAD levels — which decline under stress and with age.

“Once it’s (NR) inside the cell, it’s miraculous what happens. It very efficiently and very safely converts into NAD inside the cell. Once you have elevated NAD levels inside the cell you have higher levels of ATP — there’s actually more energy. Even without adding calories your cell is a bulkier, stronger, more energized cell. But it also activates all the repair enzymes in the cell.”

On What the Future CEO Saw at Chromadex

“In 2015, I went on the Board of Directors of Chromadex and got to look inside of what was happening at the company. I thought it was an interesting company that wasn’t really growing BUT it was sitting on an ingredient that changes people’s lives — probably the most important ingredient of all time.”

On the Many Ongoing Studies of NR

“We have well over 100 TRU Niagen studies.”

“In the last 6 years, Chromadex has received over 170 of those calls (from top notch organizations wanting to do studies of NR at their own expense) from Harvard, Mayo Clinic, Scripps Research, NIH, Cambridge, Oxford, Dartmouth, Cornell….”

On the Potential Impact of NR and Elevating NAD Levels

“There are all these diseases that are associated with metabolism. Anything related to aging is metabolic: Arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Cancers, Hearing Loss, Cognitive loss. Anywhere there’s a high concentration of cells, elevating NAD would have a therapeutic benefit theoretically. So, there’s all these studies being done.”

“The benefits to NAD. You have to be careful because until there’s a published clinical study you can’t make an actual health claim. What we can tell you is that TRU Niagen safely and efficiently elevates NAD levels in cells and it also elevates ATP — energy within the cells. The other thing we can say is it promotes the repair of the cell. This is why so many athletes are taking it. “

“If you’re interested in elevating NAD — which everyone should want to do — I think it should be in the water supply — you should take TRU Niagen. And nothing else.”

On Competitors to NR

“We’re the only company in the world producing this legally — and the only one that has the patents, legal right, FDA approval, safety studies.”

On Human Trials for NR

“There are 5 human clinical studies that have been published and there’s a website called which shows that there are 40 total being done. So most of them have yet to be published.”

On Who Should Take NR

“Who should take it? We show that NAD levels begin to decline in your 20s. If you take it every day it will elevate for 2-3 weeks.

“People should be taking this thing. A lot of people have back pain, trouble sleeping at night, a lot of people don’t heal quite as quickly, they’re not working out quite as well as they used to work out….”

On Dosage of NR

“The FDA recommended dosage of TRU Niagen is 300mg — candidly, I take much more. I take 600mg a day. But when I’m experiencing any kind of physiological stress — like I was out in the sun OR I traveled across country OR I stayed up late OR I had too many drinks OR I’m fighting something — I help the cells by upping the dose.”

“We do show a dose response as low as 100mg a day going up to 1g a day. We do show that within a few hours your NAD levels are elevated even as low as 100mg a day.”


  • Listen to the interview as a podcast HERE or watch below.
  • FAQs on taking NAD boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) can be found HERE.

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