This is the latest in a series of posts highlighting consumer experiences taking B3 vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Though scientific studies are ongoing, NR is believed to impact people at different times and in different ways (see list of “Categories” on the right OR below on mobile). The latest consumer anecdote comes from Jeff Gilligan who has suffered from stiffness and high cholesterol (please consider sharing your own NAD+ supplement experience below):

From Jeff Gilligan (who posted his NR story as a comment HERE):

“I started taking NR a bit over 4 years ago that I bought from a company that used to buy NR from the manufacturer of TruNiagen.

I had read about the science that had been published up to that time.

I took 250 mg per day.

I was 66 and in general good health, but about 40 pounds over weight.

I didn’t notice any benefit until about 10 weeks or so after starting supplementation.

Then I noticed that I no longer felt stiffness in muscles in the morning or from sitting too long, such as on long drives in my car.

I switched to Niagen about 6 months after starting NR, because the source I was using included pterostilbene, which had been shown to raise LDL cholesterol. A few weeks later, my LDL was at its highest level ever, 123.

Since switching to TruNiagen, my LDL has reached 78, the lowest ever for me.

I made it a policy to tell at least two friends or relatives per day. Many heeded my advice after doing their own research.

I have heard some really great results, and because of them, and COVID-19, I now take 1200 mg per day.

The personal stories I have heard include:

A) 2 people reducing or almost eliminating pain from neuropathy — one whose problem was caused by chemotherapy, and one by Lyme disease;

B) 2 people who report that their Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is cured as long as they take it;

C) 1 who reports improvement regarding lupus;

D) 1 who reports great improvement from carpal tunnel syndrome;

E) One 70 year-old competitive tennis player who says he recovers quicker from weekend tournaments;

F) Various people who experienced what I did, or say that they just feel better or that their blood work ups at their annual physical have greatly improved”


  • Please consider sharing your own NAD+ supplement experience using the form below. Others will undoubtedly benefit.
  • FAQs on the Potential for Treating Neuropathy with Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (Link)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Consumer Reviews)
  • We’re on Twitter @RaisingNAD


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