This is the latest in a series of posts highlighting consumer experiences taking B3 vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Though scientific studies are ongoing, NR is believed to impact people at different times and in different ways (see list of “Categories” on the right OR below on mobile). The latest consumer story comes from Jodi who has suffered from difficult menstrual and hormonal issues (please consider sharing your own NAD+ supplement experience below):

From Jodi (who posted her story as a comment HERE):

“Been taking NR for a little over a year, 300 mg at first then 600 mg for the last 5 months.

The most important change I noticed is increased stability/regularity in my hormone levels and menstrual cycle.

I’m only 43 but have been told by doctors that I might be entering perimenopause early since I was having very short and irregular periods. The average duration was between 21-23 days which is unusual for someone in their early 40s.

On top of that, I was experiencing the effects of drastic hormone changes, the worst of which was frequent migraines.

Since taking NR, my cycles have lengthened– slowly at first then much more rapidly in the past 4 months. My two most recent cycles have been 27 days.

The hormone swings have also been much more manageable and have been able to go off of migraine medication for the past 4 months.

Looking back, I realize that I raised my NR dosage to 600 mg and added taurIne to my regimen about 5 months ago- and this may have made all the difference.

I had improvements initially with 300 mg but they seemed much more modest.


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  • NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement NR (FAQs) (Reviews)
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