This is the latest in a series of posts highlighting consumer experiences taking B3 vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Though scientific studies are ongoing, NR is believed to impact people at different times and in different ways (see list of “Categories” on the right OR below on mobile). The latest consumer anecdote comes from Jeff Gilligan on behalf of friends Randy and Cindy (please consider sharing your own NAD+ supplement experience below):

From Jeff Gilligan (who posted this NR story on behalf of friends Randy and Cindy as a comment HERE):

“A 69 year old friend who has had varied health problems, but now takes 600 mg of TruN reports the following:

1. His vision has improved.

2. He has diabetes, but his recent LDL A1c was 6.4, the first time he has been under 7. He takes metformin too, but it only got to 6.4 since he added taking TruN.

3. He had skin grafts after surgery for flesh eating bacteria. His dermatologist said he had never seen as good of acceptance of the grafts – over 90%. The doctor took photos to show colleagues. My friend told him he takes TruN.

4. He recently noticed that his urine had a strong odor. His doctor ran a test and detected E-coli bacteria, but since the friend’s immune system seems to be taking care of it, did not prescribe antibiotics. The friend has experienced no symptoms.

5. Prior to taking TruN, he and his wife report that they annually had bronchitis, but not since starting TruN. Neither has had any viral illness since starting TruN.

He is quite the NR story”


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  • NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement NR (FAQs)(Reviews)
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