If the Kardashians are interested, one can assume they smell opportunity. That appears to be the case with NAD+. Last year, Kourtney K. touted NR. She now appears to have soured on NR, and is currently embracing NMN. Separately, her sister Kendall loves NAD+ IVs. Are these science based decisions?


What’s the evidence?

The following from Kourtney’s Instagram Story is hardly the consensus view (just ask Nestlé):

“The most direct precursor to our anti-aging molecule – NAD+ is our genetic key to longevity, but levels naturally decline as we age. NMN is the most direct NAD+ precursor (unlike NR, commonly used in NAD+ supplements)”

Kourtney K.

As for NAD+ IVs, while some consumers are reporting remarkable results, there’s still little if any data demonstrating efficacy.

So, for argument’s sake, let’s assume that embracing NMN over NR at this moment is a commercial decision.

Similar to Nestlé (which launched a new NAD brand in 2020), the fabulously wealthy Kardashians are clearly strategic when it comes to backing new products. Only if they think the market opportunity is big enough will they be inclined to pursue a slice.

And from a commercial standpoint, Kourtney’s switching from NR to NMN seems logical. Some sources have suggested that global NMN sales are in excess of half a billion dollars. As for NR, worldwide sales are reportedly a small fraction of that.

If, on the other hand, Kourtney is making a decision purely based on her perception of the science, that would make sense too.

Choosing between NMN and NR is a challenge — even for folks in the science community.

As for the typical consumer, one with no science background, choosing between between NAD+ precursors NMN and NR is infinitely more difficult.

These days, people read less and less. Most won’t bother trying to make sense of the science. They see various companies with Nobel Prize winners on their boards and ongoing clinical trials with top shelf institutions. They all seem the same. It’s confusing.

So how does one make a decision?

From my vantage point, a majority of consumers are most inclined to rely on the recommendation of a trusted friend, or outsource their decision to a scientist they believe in. Case in point: Dr. David Sinclair with NMN, and Dr. Charles Brenner with NR.

I, long ago, wrote about my own decision making process. And I have even more conviction today given the many life-changing anecdotes readers have submitted HERE.

But I’ve heard enough remarkable consumer anecdotes about NMN to think it might be positively impacting people too.

So, while we await the results of clinical trials to give us more clarity on the science, the Kardashians appear to be joining Nestlé in betting that the NAD+ space is poised to experience significant growth — and, both appear to be laying the groundwork to capitalize.

Stay tuned.


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