We’ve heard repeatedly that NAD boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) helps people overcome jet lag. What about NAD booster NMN (FAQs and Anecdotes)? Well, on the Joe Rogan podcast earlier this month, Harvard’s David Sinclair said the following:

At the 53:11 minute mark of the podcast below:

“A good friend of mine at Wash U, Shin Imai and colleagues, showed that the NAD levels in the body of an animal — probably in a human — they cycle through the day.

They go up in the morning — get you ready.

And then they go down at night.

So you don’t want to be taking these supplements or having this stuff injected into you late at night because it will make your body believe that it’s the morning.

And I also believe — and it really is backed up by the mouse studies — that jet lag is caused by a disruption of the cycle of NAD going up and down in your body.

And so I’ve been using NMN, this supplement, to reset my body when I travel — and it’s been night and day. Excuse the pun.

People who travel with me go: “David, you just landed. How could you go give a talk?”.

It makes me able to go without rest.

I barely have sleep sometimes.

And what actually happens, unfortunately, is even if you get light in your eyes which resets your brain — your liver has a clock. Other tissues…

There are separate clocks within the body. And if they’re out of synch — maybe your liver is looking for a meal, but your brain says it’s the middle of the night and you don’t know what to do. That’s why you feel like crap.

…We know this in great molecular detail.

And I’m not going to bore you to death.

But this is not just “Dr Sinclair thinks that this is likely to happen…”

It’s known that there are proteins in the cell that bind to genes that control your body’s clock.

And they’re regulated directly by the amount of NAD in the cell.

And if you manipulate the NAD levels, that clock, and turning on genes on and off gets screwed up.

And as you get older, it naturally gets screwed up.

And one hope is that by raising NAD more naturally you also get better sleep.”


  • How Much NMN Does Dr Sinclair Take? What Dosage Does He Recommend? (Link)
  • Why Does Dr Sinclair Take NMN over NR? (Link)
  • Can You Overcome Jet Lag with the Help of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)? (Link)
  • FAQs and Anecdotes on NMN (Link)

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