At some point people will fly again. And when people fly some will be impacted by jet lag. Jet lag is defined as “a temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of air travel across multiple time zones”. How can you overcome jet lag (time zone disruption)? The following is a multi-pronged strategy involving Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) from Dr. Charles Brenner (FAQs):

From Dr. Brenner on the Conn Jackson Podcast

“NAD comes under attack in many conditions of metabolic stress — aging, overeating, heart failure, nerve degeneration, noise induced hearing loss, probably time zone disruption (jet lag), and certainly a number of viral infections.”

From Dr. Brenner on the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast

“….the 6 major conditions that attack NAD.

…#5 is TIME ZONE DISRUPTION….Probably the evidence-based way to approach time zone disruption (jet lag) would be you set your watch to where you’re going to be and you try to sleep on their time, even if it means skipping all of the food and drink on the plane. 

And so, it may involve some melatonin in order to try to skip ahead or hold back.

You get to your destination, and then you want to get sunlight at 6 or 7 AM to try to reset, and then you potentially would take a higher dose of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) in the morning where you’re trying to reinforce your morning in a new time zone.

From Dr. Brenner on the Bulletproof Radio Podcast

“Because NAD is circadian, almost everybody takes Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) in the morning when they get up.

This is one of those things where if you already know enough about circadian regulation to stay up until 10pm in wherever you’re flying to if you can and then take melatonin if you need it and then get out and get some bright sunlight in the morning.

You want to reset with the bright sunlight and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) in the morning on arrival.

That would be the most evidence-based way to use this product”


  • On the Joe Rogan Podcast, David Sinclair Agrees NAD Boosters Help Fight Jet Lag (Link)
  • FAQs on taking NAD boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) can be found HERE.
  • NR supplementation may have helped sufferers of these diseases & conditions (Consumer Reviews)

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