Dr. Charles Brenner often makes the scientific case for supplementing with Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) over NMN (FAQs and Anecdotes). But, he also believes there’s an even simpler reason. In the interview excerpt below, Dr Brenner starts with an explanation of the science and concludes with something many of us can more easily understand:

At the 24 minute mark of the video linked to below:

“…So, NR is what’s called a nucleoside.

Nucleosides go into cells.

Inside of cells, nucleoside kinase — in this case Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) kinase — put a phosphate on.

When the phosphate is put on inside cells, NR is turned into NMN.

NMN then has one more biosynthetic step to turn into NAD — and then one more step to turn into what’s called NADP.

Some people have proposed NMN as an NAD precursor vitamin.

But it’s not a vitamin because it has a phosphate on it.

Compounds with phosphates don’t go into cells.

So, you go to a lot of trouble as a chemist to put the phosphate on in order for the phosphate to really have to be removed by cells anyway.

So, really it doesn’t make any sense.

Plus, there’s no company that will sell it to you where there’s any safety data.

To my knowledge, there’s no placebo controlled clinical data showing that it’s safe.

I would expect it to be safe if the preparation is safe.

But no one has shown their preparation is safe.

So, you don’t buy things like that”


  • Why Does Dr David Sinclair Take NMN Over NR? (Link)
  • FAQs and Anecdotes on NMN (Link)
  • FAQs on NR (Link) (Anecdotes)

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