Since this site is devoted to covering NAD+ boosters NR (FAQs) (Anecdotes) and NMN (FAQs, Anecdotes), we closely follow the work of Dr. David Sinclair. As a result, we periodically take note of his and various critics’ comments on Resveratrol. During a panel discussion at the Milken Institute Global Conference yesterday entitled “Hacking Aging: The Quest for Longevity”, Sinclair made the following comments (video embedded below):

At the 55:30 minute mark (video embedded below):

DR. Sinclair:

“I used to be the red wine guy.

Resveratrol — the molecule in red wine — came out of my lab.

Sales of red wine went up by 30% in 2006 because of my research.

I’m trying to unwind that because the new data, I think, is quite damning on alcohol.

If you look at the grey matter in the brain of people who drink over one glass a day…

Even one glass a day affects the size of your brain.

So, I’ve almost completely, except for celebrations, stopped drinking alcohol.

And I don’t know if my brain has improved in size.

But, certainly, I have much better memory.

And I recommend everybody to reduce their alcohol”


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