Many have heard of NAD+ — but few understand why it’s critical to human life. In the following interview, NAD+ expert Dr. Charles Brenner explains in simple terms why we need NAD+ and why we might consider boosting NAD+ levels by supplementing with vitamins such as Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Life Changing Consumer Anecdotes):

Dr. Charles Brenner:

“When skin cells are repairing DNA because of sun exposure, NAD can be dramatically challenged.

In a coronavirus infection, NAD comes under attack.

In chronic inflammatory conditions, NAD comes under attack.

And in animal systems, overeating basically can drive down NAD.

And in human alcoholics, NAD is low.

So, NAD for sure comes under attack in ways that impair the body’s ability to repair itself.

…NR (NAD booster) is…not intended to treat a disease or condition.

But there’s also a great deal of clinical trial activity in those diseases and conditions in which NAD is strongly under attack”

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  • NAD+ Boosting Vitamin Supplement “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews)

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