While we await results of clinical trials, we continue to hear remarkable consumer anecdotes claiming significant improvements thanks to NAD+ boosting supplements Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) and NMN (FAQs). The latest anecdote comes from Ron Smith (please consider sharing your own NAD+ supplement experience using the form below):


Ron Smith (54)

NAD+ Supplement Brand:


How much do you take daily?


Your Experience:

“First off, I’d like to say that I’ve never bought into miracle supplements, and always believed in a healthy diet, moderation, and some supplements when working out; extra protein, amino acids, and some basic vitamins.

When I saw the scientific reasoning and tests showing that Tru-niagen (nad+) increases a main precursor for ATP production in mitochondria, I gave it a try.

Like most supplements, I forgot to take Tru after a few weeks.

After a few days, I noticed that some subtle improvements in my health, after only two weeks, were gone. Notably, a degenerative spot in my eye. I didn’t even notice it was gone.

I had been to the ophthalmologist and diagnosed with a fusion of cells in my vitrial portion of the eye; premature for my age but not uncommon.

Well, its a metabolic issue.

Tru cleared it but it returned after i inadvertently stopped.

My guess is that the cellular issue wasn’t fully cleared.

Well, the same thing happened after a month or so.

It was like a reminder to continue taking Tru, and I have, for 4.5 years.

I’d like to point out that many changes are subtle but provable, and that many people don’t recognize the subtle improvements, like I didn’t realize the issue in my eye.

I gave a bottle to my friend and he didn’t continue.

I asked if anything had changed and he said, “my athlete’s foot went away”, an issue he has had for quite some time.

If real, THAT is amazing but not enough to convince him…

Others have continued taking Tru, after I recommended, but tend to take credit instead of giving credit.

One woman had COVID, her husband and friend did also, but her symptoms were so mild in comparison, that she said: “I wouldn’t have known I had covid if I wasn’t required to get tested”.

Unrelated, she also lost weight, which she was trying to do for years. I asked about whether she attributed these things to Tru, and she basically said, “I have more energy but I have a good immune system and genetics”.

…Back to my story; recently I didn’t take Tru for 24 hrs, which hasn’t happened for over 4 yrs, and had painful night leg cramps.

These were frequent before Tru, but non-existent after.

Back on Tru and no more painful leg cramps at night, just that one time; another reminder to continue to take Tru!

Many benefits were subtle but occurred within a few months of starting Tru (I’m certain I will miss some) but here is a list:

  • More energy
  • Solid muscle gain when lifting weights
  • Better skin and healing of wounds, my skin on my feet was getting to the point I considered using a pumice stone but my heels are now soft and smooth, not dry or cracked at all.
  • Eye spot (mentioned above) gone
  • Very little ear wax production, like most not a major issue, but definitely noticeable.
  • Better blood circulation in hands; this might be genetic because it affected my father? I could prick my finger with a pin, or even get a minor cut and not bleed. Now, I will bleed…but its a good thing. I heal very quickly.
  • Some metabolic issues seem negative but are actually good. I had to take prescription medication to clear a nasty poison-ivy issue twice. I seem to be more reactive and I attribute to a healthy(ier) immune system. Also, another that seems negative, is fairly severe oral herpes outbreaks, that are suppose to diminish with age, and had!

There are much more but I’m going to focus more on to a few items that took months or years to improve:

I have a diagnosed compressed lumbar vertebrae that sent me to chiropractors and had me trying many other solutions to deal with the pain, and numbness in my left thigh.

To me, it is odd that Tru could help with what is/was a cartilage issue, since cartilage doesn’t regenerate.

However, my pain and numbness is gone for years.

My guess is improved metabolism was able to remove damaged cells/tissue?

At 40, I had pain putting on my socks, took long hot showers while stretching my lower back, bought a device that sends electrical impulses to your muscle, like some chiropractors use and basically limited strenuous activity.


Completely gone!!

I still notice it a little, from time to time and know its compressed, but it doesn’t get painful.

I have no numbness and no issue with my lower back for years, now 54!

I had the beginning of arthritis in my shoulders and fingers, which was diagnosed. It hasn’t progressed and I don’t notice it.

Again, I know i am missing some but the best thing that has happened to me is being asked if I am my own son! LOL

I have always taken good care of myself and looked younger than my chronological age, so I don’t give Tru all the credit but I believe it is working to help maintain a youthful look.

This is what happened: I bumped into a schoolmate, who is about 4 years younger than me, and who I didn’t see for 40 years; basically, we could recognize each other but weren’t sure how.

When I told him my name, he said, “Oh are you Ron’s boy?” I am Ron. LOL, “take it for what its worth”. …and that should be the Tru-niagen slogan!



  • Please consider sharing your own NAD+ supplement experience using the form below. Others will undoubtedly benefit.
  • NAD+ supplement NR (Consumer Reviews) (FAQs).
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