In a segment on last week’s Darin Olien podcast (“Understanding Human Metabolism”), NAD expert Dr. Charles Brenner made the case against “NAD IV drip therapy” (a treatment often endorsed by Joe Rogan). Dr Brenner’s suggestion: Oral supplementation with Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Key quotes and podcast embedded:

Dr Charles Brenner (at the 56:30 mark)

“…then there’s the NAD drip thing.

So again, somebody is putting NAD into an IV bag, basically, and then dripping it.

And then that goes into cells and then that breaks down also into NR (Nicotinamide Riboside FAQs) or Nicotinamide which goes into cells.

So the thing is, why shoot something into your veins?

This is orally available (referring to vitamin supplement NR (FAQs).

When you eat the plants or the animal, you’re getting the NAD coenzymes that are in those cells.

Those NAD coenzymes are breaking down into the NAD precursor vitamins.

So there’s actually intact NAD in food, in raw food.

And as you process food, you get it broken down into the precursors — which is fine.

And then the precursors go into cells so that your cells can rebuild it into the NAD coenzyme.

So there’s really no use case for injection.

Your digestive system knows how to take NAD or NAD precursors and deliver it to cells”


  • In New Instagram Video, Dr. David Sinclair on NAD IV Drip Therapy: “Until I See Data, I Can’t Make Any Conclusions” (Link)
  • After COVID Diagnosis, Joe Rogan’s Treatment Plan Included NAD Drip (Link)
  • Joe Rogan Claims NAD IV Can Restore Taste and Smell for COVID Survivors (Link)
  • NAD IV drips (FAQs)

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