Scientific studies & consumer anecdotes about healthier living by reversing NAD+ decline (for information purposes only)

Scientists Warn About NMN

Last week, we wrote a blog post about the supplement NMN (FAQs and Anecdotes) entitled “If NMN is Safe, Why Don’t Regulators Approve It?“. We were subsequently made aware of an article by a group of scientists published last month in the Journal of Advanced Research entitled “Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) as an anti-aging health product – Promises and safety concerns“. It raises serious concerns about the safety of NMN. The following are the authors’ conclusions:

“NMN is a precursor of NAD+ and an intermediate of NAD+ biosynthesis, which is achieved through three pathways. NMN is an intermediate by-product in two of them. NAD+ levels in the body are depleted with aging as a result of activities of NAD+ consuming enzymes. Depletion of NAD+ level is associated with downregulation of energy production in mitochondria, increasing oxidative stress, DNA damage, cognitive impairments and inflammatory diseases. NMN, as the precursor of NAD+, has been seen to likely reverse these age-related complications and slow down the rate of aging by enhancing NAD+ levels in the body.

Many studies have been done to explore NMN’s anti-aging effects in various cells and tissues. Most of the works have been done in vitro or in animal models. However, published reports about NMN’s long-term safety and clinical efficacy of anti-aging effects in humans are scarce.

From the above review, it can be seen that only very few pre-clinical and clinical studies have been conducted to investigate the safety of long-term administration of NMN. A few more human clinical trials are being conducted to evaluate the safety concerns of NMN supplementation and the outcomes are yet to be available.

However, many NMN anti-aging health products are already available in the market and manufacturers are aggressively marketing the products using in vitro and in vivo results from the literature.

Therefore, the first priority should be to establish toxicology, pharmacology and safety profiles of NMN in humans, including healthy and diseased.

For NMN’s anti-aging efficacy, the most feasible route to obtain data will probably through long-term follow-ups of people who consume NMN regularly. Such research should be supported by NMN manufacturers as they have the moral responsibility to provide efficacy results of their products.”

You can read the full article HERE.


  • Top 22 NMN Brands on Amazon Were Lab Tested for Potency; One Remarkable Takeaway (Link)
  • If NMN is Safe, Why Don’t Regulators Approve It? (Link)
  • Why Does Dr David Sinclair Take NMN Over NR? (Link)
  • FAQs and Anecdotes on NMN (Link)
  • FAQs on NAD+ booster NR (Link) (Anecdotes)

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If NMN is Safe, Why Don’t Regulators Approve It?


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  1. Christene Koutny

    My health is compromised because of Lymes and heavy metal toxicity, especially Mercury and Arcenic.
    Will NMN give me the boost and cell renewal to get rid of these toxins and function on a better energy level?

  2. Anonymous

    u should investigate oral EDTA..;-))

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