At the Oppenheimer investor conference last week, we learned how the NFL’s New England Patriots came to take NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) (Podcasts):

Chromadex CEO Rob Fried @ Oppenheimer (video below):

“The Patriots got it (NR) because Bill Belichick (Coach of the New England Patriots football team — pictured above) called us.

And I flew in and met with Bill and his Chief Medical Officer and trainer an hour before a game they had, a Thursday night game.

And he came in with his sweatshirt with the cut sleeves.

And he wanted to understand — “I’ve heard people talking about it. What is this thing (NAD+ supplement NR)?”

And I traveled in there with one of our scientific advisors, Rudy Tanzi, the head of neurology at Harvard (and Patriots team sport scientist), who came to the meeting and explained the mechanisms.

This is why it works for concussions, he said.

This is why it works for inflammation in brain cells, and inflammation in all cells.

And as a result, they (the Patriots) decided to provide it to all of their players.

So, all the players took it…

Some of those players left for Tampa Bay and took it with them”


  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) (Podcasts)
  • PHOTOS: The Patriots take NR for energy, recovery, focus (Link)
  • More NFL, MLB teams now taking NR (Link)
  • Why do many athletes take NR? (Link)
  • NMN (FAQs)
  • NAD+ IVs (FAQs)

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