Earlier today, a caller asked Dr. Drew for his thoughts on NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes) (Podcasts). Here’s what he said in response about NR and NMN (FAQs and Anecdotes) (video and transcript below):


“I wanted to know if Ed (Dr. Drew’s Guest) knows about NAD and NR because those are two things that are good for staying sober.

Dr. Drew:

“Well, you’re talking about Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”?

So, they don’t really do that much in terms of restoring or doing much to reduce relapse risk.

They help with withdrawal symptoms and they help with restoring liver function.

And they’re excellent — I take NR every day and have for a long time.

I’m convinced that the pathways — this is sort of an anti-oxidant, Ed (guest).

There are NAD infusions — if you remember when Joe Rogan was treated for COVID, he had 3 days of NAD infusions (See here).

I’ve never had an NAD infusion — but anxious to get one. They seem really good” (NAD experts disagree)


“But I also think the NAD infusion is good for anyone with Long COVID, maybe” (Current clinical trial on NR and Long COVID)

Dr. Drew:

“Yes. I agree.

Again, I don’t really know yet what the full application of NAD is going to be. But I think it’s going to be substantial.

And I’m a big fan of NR.

I take Tru Niagen — they used to be a sponsor years ago and I stayed on it ever since.

And I actually spoke to the scientist in great detail about their research (See here).

They actually had some research that they couldn’t really go public with that they were looking at its effect on fighting COVID (See here). There are some benefits there too.

But I’m convinced that Nicotinamide Riboside NR is a good thing.

…This (NR) is an oral form of NAD — it’s not as powerful as the IV infusion, obviously.

And there’s another form, NMN. And I don’t know what to make of that yet.

But I do believe all this stuff is important in aging and maintaining health.

It’s not massively important — but, important”


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