Small-cap public companies typically use investor conferences to pitch their stories in brief. Chromadex (Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews)) did so at the LD Conference yesterday. One can assume they were targeting an audience of non-scientists. Here’s how they explained NAD:

Chromadex CEO Rob Fried at the LD Micro Conference (9/2/20)

“There’s a conezyme found in all living cells called Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide or “NAD“.

NAD has been well known in the biochemistry community for nearly 100 years.

It’s involved in virtually every important metabolic process inside the cell — but most notably energy metabolism and cell repair.

We create energy by extracting nutrients from our food — and then there are organelles inside of cells called mitochondria that can combine those nutrients with oxygen from the air we breathe to produce energy — which is then transported by molecules called ATP molecules throughout the cell.

That’s the primary source of energy inside our body.

That process — energy metabolism and bioenergetics, mitochondrial function — is NAD dependent.

When we all studied biology in 9th or 10th grade, we learned about the Krebs cycle. We learned that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

In that Krebs cycle, you may remember that NAD is a vital component, coenzyme, if you will in that process.

NAD is also vital for the processes of repairing cells.

When there’s DNA damage which begins on the day we’re born OR oxidative stress OR inflammation, there are enzymes within the cell referred to as PARP enzymes that are responsible for repairing that damage — expelling an invader, reducing oxidative stress.

Those enzymes indeed as well are dependent on NAD.

The problem?

NAD declines dramatically as we age.

Therefore, our ability to repair damaged cells and our ability to synthesize energy, mitochondrial function, is severely impaired as we age.

We’ve also proven in studies that NAD declines not only with age but when the body is under any kind of physiological stress including viral infections OR any type of infectionexposure to the sun, overeating, over drinking, over exertion, too much exercise.

All of those processes require NAD and use NAD.

There’s an orphan disease called Cockayne syndrome where children age so rapidly that they die of old age by the time they’re 13. Some people call it the Benjamin Button disease.

It turns out that these children have almost non-detectable levels of NAD.

Indeed, the National Institute of Health has replicated Cockayne syndrome in mice — and effectively treated those mice with TRU Niagen (Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs)) — the ingredient found in our product.

TRU Niagen is comprised of an ingredient called Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) — a fairly miraculous form of Vitamin B3 that has a very dramatic and safe impact on NAD levels in human cells.

It turns out — and this has been proven and patented — that when a cell is under stress it opens up a special pathway called the NR Kinase Pathway (the Nicotinamide Riboside Kinase Pathway) — an enzyme specifically searching for Nicotinamide Riboside to help the cell.

And when it receives that Nicotinamide Riboside, there’s a very dramatic and quick increase in NAD levels inside that cell.

Since that discovery in the early 2000s by Dr. Charles Brenner at Dartmouth who then patented that discovery and others, there have been hundreds of preclinical and clinical studies on virtually every age related disorder since that discovery.

It turns out that virtually every disorder we associate with aging is also associated with the decline of NAD.

And the scientific literature has been very consistent and very precise.

It appears as though by managing NAD levels by taking TRU Niagen orally you can improve the way the body ages.

There’s a concept called “intrinsic capacity”. It refers to the cell’s ability to manage stress as it comes and to function well.

We have already shown that “intrinsic capacity” is directly related to NAD.

Overall cellular function and molecular integrity are reliant on NAD levels.

As I said, there’ve been hundreds of studies commenced or completed on Nicotinamide Riboside and NAD — and that rate of research is even increasing.

As I’ve said, the areas of study include virtually every area related to age, aging, age-related disorders that one can think of.

And what’s particularly interesting is not only the volume of research that’s being performed on Nicotinamide Riboside but the entities and researchers doing them.

At this point, we’ve been in communication with the majority of the primary first rate biotechnology and biochemistry research institutions worldwide.

All of these institutions on this page (P.12 of presentation) are entities that are presently doing studies on Nicotinamide Riboside at their expense.

We provide the ingredient, they do the study.


  • FAQs on taking NAD boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) can be found HERE.
  • NR supplementation may have helped sufferers of these diseases & conditions (Consumer Reviews)

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