The anecdotal evidence continues to grow that NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) might be helpful to those struggling with fertility. We’ve already heard from a Harvard-trained fertility expert who recommends NR to patients. We’ve also heard from Dave Crouse (“Our Niagen Baby”) who believes NR was his family’s game-changer. Now comes Reddit member MuseAndMuse20 who started taking NR in August 2021 and just this past week shared a remarkable story that should give everyone struggling to have children some motivation to continue to pursue their dream:

From Reddit user MuseAndMuse20 (reposted with permission):

“I’m crying happy tears.

I’m completely and utterly in shock.

After 4+ years of TTC, 8 failed IUIs, 1 failed round of IVF, and tens of thousands of dollars spent…we got our results from my second ER (egg retrieval) from last week.

For reference, my first ER was in January 2021.

They retrieved 9 eggs, 4 of which were mature — and although all 4 fertilized, NONE made it to blast.

It was heartbreaking and devastating. So much so that we took a break for almost a year.

Well, I had my 2nd ER last Thursday, and they retrieved 25 eggs (!)

We were ecstatic, but cautiously optimistic.

Tonight I got a message in the portal from embryology with our final results:

25 eggs retrieved

18 mature eggs

16 fertilized eggs

And NINE made it to blast!

The grades are 4BB, 4AA, 4AA, 4AA, 4BA, 4AA, 4AA, 4BB, 4AA.

I have an appointment with my RE (reproductive endocrinologist) tomorrow morning to talk about next steps.

I can’t stop crying happy tears.

I know we’re not at the finish line yet, and we still have SO far to go in our journey, but this news is so, so, SO encouraging.

I just wanted to thank everyone here for being so encouraging throughout our journey, and I hope our little mini-victory can provide a little bit of hope to someone.

EDIT: I wanted to add some details around how my RE (reproductive endocrinologist) changed my protocol this time around:

I started supplementing with NAD+ (True Niagen brand) and 400mg Ubiquinol daily (in addition to my prenatal and fish oil), and during this round of stims, my RE added Lupron (10 units daily until stims, then it was 5 units daily until egg retrieval), Omnitrope (daily for the first 4 days of stims), and I triggered with Pregnyl this time.

I also took Maximum Vibrance greens blend daily (expensive, but my diet wasn’t so great the first time around and I figured the extra nutrients couldn’t hurt).

Sending so much love to everyone. <3″

Related on NAD+ Supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR):

  • “Our Niagen Baby” (B3 Vitamin Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”) (Link)
  • Harvard Trained Fertility Specialist Recommends B3 Vitamin Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” to Improve Egg Quality (Link)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews)

Related on NAD+ Supplement NMN:

  • Dr. David Sinclair on “NMN” and Fertility: “You Can Rejuvenate the Female Reproductive System” (Link)
  • NMN (FAQs)

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