Dr Charles Brenner (FAQs), who discovered Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) as an NAD precursor vitamin and is actively studying NR’s impact on the treatment of COVID-19 joined WTKR CBS TV 3 last week to discuss his latest research. Key quotes below:

Key Quotes from Dr Brenner:

“NAD is the central catalyst of metabolism.

It’s fundamental to all cellular life because it’s required to convert everything that we eat into ATP biological energy.

It’s required to convert everything we eat into everything that we are and everything that we do.

We found in this new study that NAD — the central catalyst of metabolism — is disturbed by a coronavirus infection. And NAD is required for repair processes and the ability of a cell to defend against establishment of an infection”

Key Findings from Dr Brenner’s Latest COVID-19 / NAD Study

“We find that within 12 hours of the initial exposure of cells to coronavirus that NAD levels — the central catalyst of metabolism — are cut down by more than 3-fold.

Also, the gene system that controls the NAD system is greatly disturbed by coronavirus infection.

We looked at about 75 genes that control NAD and we find that a number of genes that have roles in fighting infection are activated. That leads to greater use of NAD and it limits the ability of the cell to fight the viral infection because there isn’t enough NAD for those genes to work optimally.

We also find that there are certain genes that are used to make NAD — they get disturbed by the coronavirus infection.

Some of those genes go down indicating that you’re not going to be able to restore NAD through those pathways.

Other genes go up.

One of the genes that goes up is called Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Kinase — and that suggests that boosting NAD with NR, Nicotinamide Riboside, ought to boost NAD and potentially aid in anti-viral defense mechanisms.

Where Can You Get NR?

“NAD initially comes from a balanced diet. You get macronutrients from your diet, you get micronutrients like NAD in your diet.

But you can also supplement with Nicotinamide Riboside (NR).

And our research has shown that it’s safe and orally available and within hours NAD levels go up upon taking NR.

And within weeks there’s actually a noticeably higher levels of NAD in healthy human beings.

We’ve not tested NR as a preventative agent in viral infection. Our new research suggests that we need to do that — the animal studies and human studies that will be required to make those types of health claims.

But, we do know already now that taking Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) will boost NAD levels and will do so safely — and that’s known for healthy people, overweight people, older people and even diabetic people.

You can learn more at AboutNAD.com or ask me questions on Twitter @CharlesMBrenner.


  • FAQs on taking NAD boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) can be found HERE.
  • NR supplementation may have helped sufferers of these diseases & conditions (Consumer Reviews)

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