You’ve probably read about 45-year-old Bryan Johnson (Bloomberg: How to Be 18 Years Old Again for Only $2 Million a Year). He sold a company to eBay and is now taking extreme measures to try to be physically and mentally 18 again. Among the 24 supplements he takes each day is NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes):

How do we know he takes NR?

His supplement list on the page below includes Nicotinamide Riboside (375mg / 6 x wk):

Note: If you review Johnson’s monthly notes, you can see that he’s been experimenting with his NR dose. He seems to have started at 250mg, then increased to 500mg, and then to 750mg.

What does Johnson claim about his NAD+ levels (on YouTube below)?

At the 1 hour 32 minute mark below, Johnson speaks in general terms to his measurements including NAD+ levels:

“…and then we have all these age clocks.

So we track what we do in terms of the age markers and how the therapies are working.

This is nine months in — quite an early early dashboard — some examples there.

But, we’re coming up with some organ clocks now which integrate a lot of different markers inside each clock…”

On How He Chooses Which Supplements to Take (1:08:30):

Bryan Johnson:

“…I currently take 100 pills a day.

Bryan’s Doctor:

“They’re all with clinical rationale.

…There’s a strict criteria, rationale, and outcomes for each of these pills.

Bryan Johnson:

“And vendor”

Bryan’s Doctor:

“And vendor.

Vendor has quality assurance, GMP, independent testing etc.”

Note: You can make the case that the physical activity and strict diet regimen he’s adhering to are contributing to improving his NAD+ levels. But, the sharp improvement seems particularly extreme. So, it’s plausible NR is playing a role. And with all the medical advice and financial resources Johnson has at his disposal, he’s chosen NR as part of his daily supplement regimen. So, no doubt he believes there’s a benefit.

Final Note: On Resveratrol (from Bloomberg):

“He has, however, rejected many of the internet’s favorite health fads, including resveratrol, ice baths and high doses of testosterone.”


  • How Can You Measure NAD+ Levels? (Link)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs and Life Changing Anecdotes)
  • Should You Take Resveratrol with Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)? Dr Sinclair’s Former Labmate Says Resveratrol Unlikely Impacts Health & Longevity (Link)

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