Dr. Alyssa Dweck is a NY based gynecologist who understands the importance of NAD. Earlier this week, she was asked to offer tips on protecting skin especially during the summer months. Key excerpts on NAD and NAD boosters:

What is cellular health and how does it affect our skin?

“It may surprise you to learn that the skin, aka the integument, is the biggest organ is the body! Every organ in our bodies is made of millions of cells. Cells have a big engine called the mitochondria where energy is produced. The mitochondria need fuel. Products such as Tru Niagen help cells facilitate energy production for everyday bodily functions like running or breathing. All cells need NAD to chemically convert food to energy. Tru Niagen contains Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), clinically proven to increase NAD levels—it optimizes cellular function as well as enhances energy and bodily function.”

What causes cellular damage?

“Cellular damage occurs naturally due to age. We cannot eliminate age. Environmental stressors such as overeating, alcohol or smoking and excessive sunlight can also damage cells. NAD levels deplete and over time decline.”

What are a few tips to keep our cells happy?

“My go to tips include maximizing health benefit through diet, exercise, and stress reduction. These lifestyle habits that should be carried along through the years for optimal cellular health and graceful aging . Optimizing skincare and avoiding excessive sun exposure and starting this at an early age, isn’t just about wrinkles or frown lines but rather is based in optimal cellular health. After all, optimal general health stems from optimized cellular health.”


  • Full interview HERE.
  • More on NAD and skin HERE.
  • FAQs on taking NAD boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) can be found HERE.
  • NR supplementation may have helped sufferers of these diseases & conditions (Consumer Reviews)

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