During his Intelligent Medicine Podcast earlier today, Dr. Ronald Hoffman MD addressed “a flurry of listener questions” about Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) and cancer. These questions were in response to this week’s news article entitled “Popular Dietary Supplement Causes Cancer Risk and Brain Metastasis” which we covered here. Here are key quotes from Dr. Hoffman (podcast embedded below):

Segment begins at the 9:30 mark; Quote below at the 21:20 mark:

“For now, I’m going to keep taking it (NR).

I’m going to keep recommending it.

I’m going to be cautious with patients — We do have patients with active cancer.

Unless I’m trying to prevent Taxol related neuropathy — I may withhold that therapy until we have more information on this.

But I’m not going to go off on a jag and say that everybody who’s taking this are going to develop breast cancer”


  • Dr. Hoffman Explains Why He Recommends Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) to Patients (Link)
  • Dr. Hoffman MD: “I Take Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). I Don’t Think It’s Going to Give Me Cancer” (Link) (11/2021)
  • Does Vitamin Supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” Increase Cancer Risk? (Link)

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