We’ve heard from many consumers telling us remarkable stories of their experiences taking B3 vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). Some claim NR brought relief from struggles with Restless Legs Syndrome “RLS”. See below:

  • Anecdote #3: “I had had RLS for years — it’s a really annoying condition, and there aren’t any good treatments. But after a few weeks of Tru Niagen, I didn’t have it any more. Or if I did, it was because I missed a day of Tru Niagen, or was especially metabolically stressed (like from overeating), and then an extra Tru Niagen pill made it go away” (Link)
  • Anecdote #7: “(i know) 2 people who report that their Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is cured as long as they take it (NR)” (Link)
  • Anecdotes #28: “On Jan 1st this year I started taking 1 x 300mg TruNiagen (“NR”) and by mid Feb was getting some good relief but not gone completely, so I increased to 2 x 300mg per day and by end of March RLS gone completely. Difficult to believe really but this product actually saved my life because I really did not want to live before finding this (Link)

NMN Consumer Anecdote:

  • First, NR. Now, NMN. Another Consumer Reports NAD+ Booster Provided Relief from Restless Legs Syndrome RLS (Link)
