As we know, Harvard-trained fertility expert Dr. Aimee (“the egg whisperer”) is a big believer in taking a variety of health supplements to improve egg quality. One of those supplements is NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs)  (Anecdotes). Dr. Aimee made the case for NR on a recent episode of the Pregnantish podcast

Key Excerpts from Dr. Aimee (starting at the 14:54 mark below):

DR. Aimee:

“…Most of my patients are over the age of 40.

And, so many of them have done countless IVF cycles.

HOST (17.20):

“…How did you even discover Tru Niagen (NR supplement brand) and its connection to reproductive health…?

DR. Aimee:

“It was literally a patient of mine who introduced me to Tru Niagen (NR).

She’d been trying for years.

Over 40 years old.

She was a PhD scientist.

And she found a mouse study showing that by replenishing NAD+ in mice who weren’t making it on their own, they actually started having babies with improved fertility rates.

So, I did an IVF cycle on her, and I was blown away by it.

And I said: “what did you do differently with your fourth cycle?. This is almost like an egg donor cycle. It went so well. I can’t believe that this is the eggs in a woman over 40”.

And she shared with me what she did.

She experimented on herself.

She did research on who has the best supplement out there to increase NAD levels.

And that’s how I came to know Tru Niagen (NR).

And I’ve been taking it ever since.

DR. Aimee (at the 20:15 mark):

“As we get older, our mitochondria in our cells don’t function as well.

And this happens when a woman turns 30.

And that’s about the time when we see more chromosomal abnormalities in our embryos.

So, that’s why NAD is important.

It improves mitochondria in every cell, including the uterus.

So, this is why I think it’s important for patients to take it pre-pregnancy even if you’re not doing IVF because it can potentially help uterine health as well.

Same with sperm.

I’d like to do away completely with advanced “maternal age” and replace it with advanced “mitochondrial age” because that’s really the source of our problems in our eggs as we get older.


“Do you put all of your patients on this supplement?

DR. Aimee:

“All of them.

Including egg donors.

Including patients freezing their eggs.

I encourage all of my patients to take it.

…I think a lot of the unexplained (or age related reproductive health issues) is that no one explained the possible reasons in your situation.

For example, someone in her early 30s who’s done a whole bunch of IUIs (intrauterine insemination), everything looks good, tubes are open, I always think to myself: this could be an egg quality issue.

So, that’s why I feel like talking to patients about Tru Niagen, and supplements to support egg quality is something that’s important to do.

Cellular energy is made in the mitochondria.

So, egg cell health really depends on mitochondrial health.

And we know that every embryo is an egg and a sperm cell, and a healthy egg AND sperm cell are important to have that healthy embryo.

For me, my average patient is around 41.

And, so I look at my patients and I say: “Look, you’re having a baby now. You need to live at least until you’re 80 to see your grandchild”.

Because the next generation, it will be very normal to start a family at least over 45.

And, so Tru Niagen (NR) is something that both me and my husband both take to support healthy aging.

We’re done with growing our family.

But we want to make sure we’re healthy and here as long as possible.

So, we both take 1000-2000 mg of Tru Niagen (NR) a day”


  • Consumers, Fertility Specialists (DR. Aimee), and NAD+ Experts discuss taking oral supplement NR to boost fertility chances, egg quality (Link)
  • NAD+ boosting supplement NR (Consumer Reviews)

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