We know that world renowned Alzheimer’s expert Dr. Rudy Tanzi believes in B3 vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews). He takes NR daily, he’s conducting a clinical trial studying NR as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s, and he also recently recommended it to Dr. Oz’s mother who’s currently suffering from that very debilitating disease. What about NR as a possible treatment for Parkinson’s? There’s reason to believe NR could help. Here’s the latest on a recent Parkinson’s/NR clinical trial out of Norway:

Chromadex CEO Rob Fried at a Renmark investor event (@ 26:21 min mark):

“There is a study that has been completed — you can see it on ClinicalTrials.gov — on Parkinson’s and tru niagen (NR), a human clinical study on Parkinson’s and tru niagen (NR).

And it has been out for peer review.

And we believe the peer review has been completed.

And we are hoping it will be published very shortly.

Until that point in time, we can’t discuss it in great detail.

But we are hopeful that the publication and the results will be significant and will be positive.

It will indicate numerous things about Parkinson’s.

They were studying not only the symptoms of Parkinson’s but also proof that it crosses the blood-brain barrier and causes an increase in blood flow in the amygdala — which is really where the problems begin, in that particular disease.

As I said, we know that as soon as you start taking tru niagen (NR), NAD levels begin to increase within a couple of hours.

And we also know much about Parkinson’s and its mechanisms.

But, as I said, until peer review is completed and the study is published there’s not much we can say yet about tru niagen (NR) and Parkinson’s.

I’d also like to say that Parkinson’s like COVID is a disease.

And although the study was performed, we cannot market tru niagen (NR) as a therapeutic for a disease state because we don’t sell it as a drug, we sell it as a dietary supplement”


  • You can watch the full presentation here.
  • Should Those Suffering from Parkinson’s Disease Supplement with Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”? (Link)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” for Alzheimer’s (FAQs)

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