While we mostly focus here on oral vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews), there’s growing demand for raising NAD levels through NAD+ IVs. And, if you enjoy NAD+ IVs, you now have an alternative: Niagen+ IVs, which deliver NAD+ booster Nicotinamide Riboside “NR”. Whats the case for Niagen+ IVs over NAD+ IVs? Here’s how Chromadex CEO Rob Fried (seller of NR brand Niagen) explained it at an August investor conference:

Chromadex CEO Rob Fried (video embedded below):

“The injectable business, which we announced just in June, and will be launching in clinics this week, as I said, is IV and injectable.

We hope by the end of the year, certainly first quarter (2025), we expect to be able to sell at-home injectables of Niagen (NR)…

There’s been a great deal of interest in the IV world.

NAD is the enzyme that we’re increasing in peoples’ cells.

But we don’t actually sell NAD.

Niagen (NR) is not NAD.

Niagen (NR) is a precursor to NAD.

If you take Niagen (NR), it will safely and efficiently elevate NAD levels.

So, you say: “Why not just take NAD?”.

Because if you take an NAD pill OR tablet OR infusion, the molecule of NAD is so large.

And, on the perimeter of it, there’s a phosphate group — meaning it’s a nucleotide — making it virtually impossible for NAD as a molecule to upregulate — to be taken up by the cell itself.

So, you take a precursor like Niagen (NR), and it very cleanly and efficiently goes into the cell, converts into NAD.

But the NAD IV business has gotten very popular in the United States particularly amongst athletes, celebrities, workout buffs, and biohackers.

What happens when they do these NAD IV infusions is…

Because the NAD molecule doesn’t cleanly get into the cell, it causes a great deal of stress.

It takes 3.5 hours to get an IV of 1 gram of NAD — 3.5 hours.

And in almost all cases, there’s extreme nausea and side effects.

Yet, it’s very popular amongst athletes and celebrities and models and biohackers.

With Niagen (NR) IV, it takes just a few minutes.

No side effects.

And higher NAD levels.

…So, there’s an established market out there for NAD IV people who are now starting to learn that there’s something better out there.

Instead of 3.5 hours, less than a half an hour.

Higher NAD levels.

And they don’t have to go through the nausea.

…I’ll also say that it took us many years to get FDA approval to do this.

…We also did an independent 3rd party clinical test to prove that it was superior to NAD IV”

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