Scientific studies & consumer anecdotes about healthier living by reversing NAD+ decline (for information purposes only)

Does NMN Stimulate Cancer Growth?

On a recent podcast, Harvard’s Dr. David Sinclair was asked about concerns that NAD boosting supplement NMN (FAQs & Anecdotes) causes cancer growth. Here’s what he said:

At the 33:40 mark of the podcast below:


“There has been some concern around the use of NAD boosters when it comes to the potential that it might stimulate cancer growth.

And, obviously, that’s something that we don’t want to be dismissive of.

It does you no good to be boosting your NAD and extending your lifespan if you’re just giving yourself cancer.

What’s the latest research on that and how concerned should people be?

DR. David Sinclair:

“Well, so most of these studies — actually, there’s only two main studies have been done in mice.

So, here’s what they are.

There was one, again, out of Washington University by a different group that found that knocking down the levels of NAD in brain tumors slowed the growth of the tumor.

And unfortunately the news story ended up being, oh, NAD causes cancer — which is not the same, right?

That’s the complete opposite.

So that study, I wouldn’t put a lot of stock into.

But there is one other study that came out in 2019 by Nacarelli and they found that NAMPT, this NAD boosting gene, it increases the number of senescent cells and makes them more inflammatory, giving out these SAS proteins as they’re called, the senescence associated secretory phenotype is the word.

But, also, there were mice that were predisposed to pancreatic cancer and when given NMN they developed more precancerous and cancerous growths when they consumed this NMN.

Exactly how it works we’re not sure.

But it might be because it was down-regulating a tumor suppressor gene called P53.


“And this was a subgroup of mice that were already predisposed.

They had a gene that made them more likely to get cancer.

DR. David Sinclair:


But remember we fed NMN to mice — but normal mice, not predisposed — and if anything they lived longer and healthier.

So, it’s a question whether it’s this predisposition that’s the difference.


“Something to watch for and to think about and to work into anyone’s calculations if they’re going to be considering an NAD booster in any case.

DR. David Sinclair:

“For sure

And another reason to consult your physician”


  • Scientists Warn about NMN (Link)
  • NMN (FAQs and Anecdotes)
  • Does NAD+ Supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” Increase Cancer Risk? (Link)

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Do NAD+ IVs Work? Dr. David Sinclair Says: “We Don’t Know Yet”


FAQs on Boosting NAD+ with NMN, NR, NAD+ IV Drips


  1. Rumcola

    I do not understand why Dr Sinclair keeps on saying: And another reason to consult your physician”…

    He either does not known any physicians or the ones he knows are totally abnormal, since I do not know any physician that has learned anything about NAD boosting or whatsoever in his or her studies.

    So referring somebody to his or her Physician for advice about NAD supplements is like referring somebody with a question about rocket science to a brain surgeon … it’s not gonna add anything

    And yes, I am a physician myself so I can know

  2. John

    Rumcola is 100% not a physician or they would have been much more articulate in that jabbering, incoherent response.

    The context in which Sinclair says to consult a doctor is clearly and obviously to determine one’s biological predispositions for cancer because it’s possible NAD and NMN can exacerbate undesirable medical situations.

    How does a doctor flame a doctor who says to consult a doctor? Imbecile.

  3. GD

    DS should be clear, if NMN should be avoided for cancer patients.
    He is a respectable researcher and he knows very well about current studies.
    Why he is sending to physician…
    Does he have financial interest….
    I have respect for DS as a scientist…but here he is doing commercial promotion.
    That is not the road a Harvard Tenure professor should take.

  4. DS should do his homework as a respected scientist.
    What I read in publications, one after other, is if I have cancer…avoid NMN….
    DS knows it , he has read it, and why he does not say simply do not take NMN if one has cancer. Wait for clarification.
    Very dishonest for him to send to a doctor who knows nothing of this vague situation.
    A tenure Harvard professor is sending a wrong message …I thought he has very scientific mindset, not media mind set…..
    Needs clarifications…with age low NMN and one gets cancer
    Then cancer cell start feeding on NMN…
    May be cancer cells not detected have been feeding on NMN long before….

  5. Steve

    Have to agree, cancer runs in the family. I want to start on NMN so bad though…what about spermadine instead?

  6. Leonie Rose

    In simple none medical terms, as we age we have less NAD+ and more risk to cancer.. lack of NAD+ inhibits T Cells ability to kill cancer cells . Trials are underway to see if supplementation with NAD+ lowers cancer markers in patients with cancer. Dr David Sinclair is at least prepared to research outside the rigid box set by decades of pretending aging and it’s associate illnesses are normal or natural…thank God for the hope he brings to people like me suffering from incurable blood cancer… for the record I’ve taken a chance and supplement with NAD+ never felt better in my five years dealing with my illness have zero pain and am happy to give the results of my next blood test as I’ve only been taking NAD+ for four weeks. I am also restricted in what chemo I can take but am currently taking lenolinomide which coincidentally has as a side effect an increased risk of other cancers.
    In my opinion medical research will be better served when more like Dr Sinclair have the courage to walk in his trail blazing foot steps. Medicine for decades has repeated what it already knows in order to get the same predictable results least Dr Sinclair has the guts, courage and intelligence to know he can’t keep doing the same old same old if he wants to make new discoveries in order to provide better outcomes …
    He has my gratitude … I now have hope of if not a longer life with. NAD+ supplementation at least each day I have is pain and anxiety free full of energy and a vast improvement on how I was previously..

  7. pat mcinerney

    Rumcola sounds every bit a physician. The content of the comment is true and exactly correct. I agree, it sounds that Dr. Sinclair is using a all purpose disclaimer. Most physicians would not be well versed in this at all. Any questions about the use of NR would be greeted with a shoulder shrug. There is no medical application for this at all. I have been looking into the details , studies and the use of NAD and the studies of Sirtuins , and it is, although fascinating, the broad usage of NAD is at best murky. The feedback mechanisms are wildly complex, Cross talking of genes is a language we do not understand. I think as i pour over numerous studies, it is clear that to me, we are tens of years away from understanding these mechanisms. I think there is interesting research but dosing , types of treatments for all the ageing modifiers are poorly understood, reservatrol dose different things at different doses for example. I contemplate a role for pulsatile treatments rather than daily usage as a interesting study model. we need an integrated mapping of genes and feedback mechanisms to fully understand what these age modifiers are doing. stay tuned.

  8. TS

    The real issue: are there currently studies being done to specifically test whether NMN promotes cancer tumor growth?
    If so, where are they being conducted and when will they be completed? From all the literature I’ve read to date, there insufficient data to come to a well informed conclusion.

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