On a recent podcast and in a Tweet (embedded below), Dr. Charles Brenner, who discovered Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews) as an NAD boosting vitamin said the following:

On NR and Post Partum

“This process (postpartum) is a metabolic disruption and disturbs the NAD system.

It turns out that mice and rats, if we support the lactating new mom, with Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) we can improve her milk quality, we can improve her postpartum weight loss, and we can improve the neurodevelopment of her offspring into their adulthood.

So, we have a very exciting project with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in order to understand that process further.

We want to understand it more in animals and then we want to put an NAD boosting strategy potentially into human clinical trials with moms in low and moderate income countries and who are clearly under metabolic stress when they’ve had a new baby in non-optimum conditions.”

From Dr Brenner’s Twitter account:


  • Milk is Critical to Newborns. Many Mothers Struggle to Provide Enough. A Lactation Expert Believes Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Might Help (Link)
  • Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Consumer Reviews)
  • Nicotinamide Mononucleotide “NMN” (FAQs)
  • NAD+ IV Drip Therapy (FAQs)

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