During last week’s episode of “Ask Dr. Drew”, fertility expert Dr. Aimee (aka “The Egg Whisperer”) was asked whether she recommends that patients who are breastfeeding supplement with Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (Reviews). Here’s what she said (transcript and video below):

At the 59:30 mark of the video below:

DR. Drew:

“Is it something you can use during breastfeeding as well?

DR. Aimee:

“You can.

There are some preclinical studies out of UC Davis showing that it (NR) can actually help with lactation (Link).

So, if I have a patient that shares with me that she’s dealing with lactation issues, I suggest that she go back on her Tru Niagen (NR) because that’s something that she probably already had when she was trying to get pregnant with me — not with me, you know what I mean!

Related Posts:

  • Consumers, Fertility Specialists (DR. Aimee), and NAD+ Experts discuss taking oral supplement NR to boost fertility chances, egg quality (Link)
  • Milk is Critical to Newborns. Many Mothers Struggle to Provide Enough. A Lactation Expert Believes NR Might Help (Link)
  • Does NR Help Postpartum Moms and their Newborns? (Link)
  • NR (FAQs) (Reviews)

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