In a wide-ranging and ongoing AMA on the NR subreddit, Harvard trained fertility specialist Dr. Aimee (“the egg whisperer”) was asked a question about possible reasons for miscarriages. In her answer, she encourages boosting NAD+ levels with supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Anecdotes). Here’s the question followed by Dr. Aimee:
“What are common causes of late first term miscarriages? I had two 12 week miscarriages after having 2 uneventful pregnancies. Thank you
Dr. Aimee (“the egg whisperer”):
“I’m sorry to hear this.
There could be many reasons but the most common is chromosomal abnormalities.
The reason why it’s harder to get pregnant as we get older is because by the time we’re 30, our NAD+ levels start to decline.
We know that to be true, which I know is really young.
As those NAD+ levels decline, the chance that your eggs could be chromosomally abnormal starts going up.
In addition to supporting your NAD+ with NR, take steps to minimize hypertension such as eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising, meditating.”
- Consumers, Fertility Specialists (DR. Aimee), and NAD+ Experts discuss taking oral supplement NR to boost fertility chances, egg quality (Link)
- NAD+ boosting supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (Consumer Reviews)
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