As we await clinical trial results to confirm individual claims about NAD+ boosting vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs) (Reviews), we’re always interested to see if there are any consistencies in consumer anecdotal reports. Today, we hear from Coach Beede who posted the following earlier today (reposted here with permission):

Coach Beede (video below):

“A few weeks ago, I had a friend of mine from high school visit me for a couple of days here in the Boston area.

And, he said: “Gee, you look good for your age”.

It got me thinking.

About three years ago, I started taking a product called tru niagen (NR).

And, it was a cellular formula that a friend of mine had referred me to.

And, I’ve been taking it now for 3 years.

And I take 2 capsules every single day.

The capsules I take on an empty stomach in the morning.

And I have to tell you, this has definitely made a difference in my energy levels as well as my sleep habits, my sleep ability — as far as getting that 8-10 hours of sleep.

Something that’s become part of my daily regimen each morning is taking these 2.

So, I thought I’d share that with folks.

And it’s something I feel has definitely added to the quality of my daily lifestyle both with regard to athletics as well as just living a healthy lifestyle.
