During last week’s Huberman Lab podcast with Dr. Peter Attia, Dr. Andrew Huberman (FAQs) shared his current regimen of NAD+ boosting supplements Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (FAQs)  (Anecdotes) and NMN (FAQs and Anecdotes). Here’s what he said:

At the 1:05:34 mark:


“I’ll go on record now saying that I take NMN, and in some cases I will take NR and NMN.

And, I observe — this is just “n of 1” self-observational data — I observe a very clear positive effect.

But I don’t think it has anything to do with extending lifespan.

At the 1:08:02 mark:

“I’ve taken NR in capsule form.

I’ve taken NMN, typically in powdered form where I put it sublingually under the tongue.

At the 1:10:30 mark:

“But for me, the more typical way to try and increase NAD or whatever because I don’t know what it’s doing exactly but I like the effects of taking sublingual NMN.

The single most salient to me, anecdotal data on taking sublingual NMN is that it makes my hair grow really fast.

It makes my nails grow really fast.

And I do feel an increase in energy.

And I take it first thing in the morning.

One and a half grams, 1500 milligrams.

At the 1:12:53 mark:

“So, I don’t have a deep desire for my hair to grow faster or my nails to grow faster.

It’s more the increase in energy effect.

Now, I will say that sublingual NMN is also a bit of a laxative.

At the 1:25:25 mark:

“The reason I take NR is really for these anti-inflammation reported / purported effects.


  • Dr. Andrew Huberman (FAQs)
  • 6 Consumers explain how NR improved their Energy levels (Link)
  • 5 Consumers explain Hair benefits they experienced from NR (Link)
  • 4 Consumers explain experiencing reduced Inflammation after NR (Link)
  • NAD+ Boosting Supplement “NMN” (FAQs and Anecdotes)
  • NAD+ boosting supplement NR (Consumer Reviews)

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