During a recent episode of the Tara Lipinski podcast, fertility expert Dr. Aimee (aka “The Egg Whisperer”) was asked to explain NAD+, and why it’s important for everyone. Here’s what she said (transcript and video below):

From the 32:50 mark of the video podcast below:

HOST – Tara Lipinski:

“…And, maybe give us the layman terms of why NAD is so important — and especially important in fertility and the possibility of getting pregnant, and a healthy pregnancy, and kind of break that down for us.

DR. Aimee:

“I mean I think the easiest way of doing that is NAD is important in all cellular functions.

And if your NAD levels are low, then your cellular functions are not as efficient.

So that’s why NAD can help with supporting healthy aging, supporting your cells in your skin, in your brain.

And, then for me and my patients, it’s also supporting cells in your uterus, in your ovaries.

So, there are a lot of preclinical studies and clinical studies looking at how increasing NAD+ can help with egg quality.

There’s research now in terms of potentially decreasing risk of postpartum depression in women who take it.

I recommend it in my patients who have delivered a baby.

It can also help with the mammary glands, in the breast, and help with lactation.

So, patients who are struggling with milk production — are you ready for this?

It can also potentially help with granulosis cell health in women who have PCOS.

So, there are so many different ways that repletion of, or increasing NAD+ levels can help fertility patients, and in women in general — not just for women who are trying to get pregnant, but also for other reasons as well”

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