During last week’s episode of “Ask Dr. Drew”, fertility expert Dr. Aimee (aka “The Egg Whisperer”) was asked how much Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (Reviews) she recommends her patients take daily. Here’s what she said (transcript and video below):

At the 54:20 mark of the video below:

DR. Drew:

“You have a a specific protocol you use — like what dosing and frequency and whatnot (for taking NR)?

DR. Aimee:

“I do.

I tell patients to start low.

So, if someone’s a little bit on the anxious side — and so many of my patients are as you can imagine, going through a fertility journey.

So, the way to start low is to get the Tru Niagen powder sticks first.

Then you can titrate your dose, in water, in your smoothie.

Then the next dose is a 300 milligram.

DR. Drew:

“I want to stop you.

Are there symptoms you’re looking for? Adverse side effects?

What are you looking for?

Because I’ve never experienced anything taking it (NR) — except people say I don’t look as old. So I just always wonder if that’s why.

DR. Aimee:

“Yes, you’re ageless!

With Tru Niagen, some patients experience heart palpitations, slight feelings of anxiety and insomnia.

Start at a super high dose like the 500 milligram dose…

DR. Drew:

I’ve been having a little bit of insomnia lately, and I moved up to a thousand recently…

DR. Aimee:

“A gynecologist solved your problem!

Yep, magnesium, melatonin can help with that.

So, I advise my patients to make sure you have some melatonin.

And then if you wake up — see, I wake up jumping out of bed, I’m like who can I help today? And I’ve always been like that.

But Tru Niagen, I feel like just takes that up.

I’m a lot like — I’m 100% all the time.

And I feel like with Tru Niagen, it’s just like I’m way more than that.

And the thing is that if someone’s not used to feeling that way, they might think something’s wrong with them.

And what I reassure them is this is actually normal.

So, if you feel like you’re jumping out of bed but it’s like 4am, be sure to take your Niagen first thing in the morning, I advise before 10am.

And then slowly go up.

There’s no rush to get up to a 1000 milligrams a day.

My patients who are going through fertility treatment — my goal for them is 1,000 milligrams a day.

So, I say, start at 300 and slowly make your way up to 900.

And, then, once you’re there, get a 500 and 1,000 milligram pill bottles, and then you can kind of alternate.

You don’t have to take a thousand every day.

Some days you can take 500.

Some days you can have a thousand.

I have three bottles.

I have a 300, a 500, and a thousand here.

I take it in my office in the mornings.

So, that’s what I advise my patients to do too”

Related Posts:

  • Consumers, Fertility Specialists, and NAD+ Experts discuss taking supplement NR to boost fertility chances, egg quality (Link)
  • NR (FAQs) (Reviews)

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