We’ve heard from many consumers claiming all sorts of benefits after taking NAD+ boosting supplements Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (Anecdotes) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide “NMN” (Anecdotes). More and more, we’re hearing from pet owners sharing their NMN pet anecdotes. Here’s the latest from a cat owner:


Olga Glybina

NAD+ Supplement Brand:

NMN 500mg

What dosage do you (your cat) take daily?


Your Experience:

I started to give NMN to my cat Kesha in February 2023.

He had indigestion, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea for two weeks.

He did not eat for 5 days, stopped drinking.

Vet helped with removal of a big poop with his fur.

It helped but two weeks after the situation nearly repeated.

As my husband and I take NMN, I decided to give it to our cat too.

He is a 14 years old male cat, around 8kg (17.6 lbs).

When he was sick, he was around 4.5kg (9.9 lbs).

I started to give him 0.072g dissolved in 4ml of water.

The improvement came on the second day.

He stopped vomiting.

On the third day his diarrhea stopped.

He started to eat!

The recovery came in five days.

Now he is a happy cat again.

I give him supporting dose of NMN, 500mg – 0.063g dissolved in 4ml and orally administered by a syringe.

He likes the taste.

Usually, I give him this dose after his morning meal.

Recently, we been for an annual vet check up.

All were good for now.

I think to continue to give NMN to my cat to prolong his life.



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