The number of consumers claiming extraordinary skin improvements from vitamin supplement Nicotinamide Riboside “NR” (Reviews) continues to grow. The latest comes from Ryan Schroder (a PhD in Biochemistry):


Ryan Schroder

NAD+ Supplement Brand:

Tru Niagen

How much do you take daily?


Your Experience:

My skin is typically oily no matter what face wash I use.

I avoid moisturizers to lessen this but my skin remains oily.

This stems from dry skin, as the body overproduces oil in response to dryness.

Experts claim that people with this condition should use oil free moisturizers.

I tried these and everything else in between and nothing helped my oily, flaky skin.

Until I started taking Nicotinamide Riboside.

I can literally feel my skin the way it’s supposed to feel, which I probably have never felt before in my life (or maybe since I was a little kid).

I used to be able to wipe the oil off my face and see it on a dry napkin.

Now, when I wipe my face with a dry napkin, there’s nothing there!

Skin doesn’t feel dry at all either, no need for moisturizers.

It seems NR gives the moisturization from within.

Its final product in the body (NAD+) is required to synthesize important skin barrier lipids and proteins, so the correlation is there in principle and by anecdotal evidence.

As I have a PhD in Biochemistry, I’ve read tens of papers on this and the results from basic research alone are staggering.

I’ll let the MD’s comment on the clinical research.


  • 11 Consumers Explain the Skin Benefits They Experienced from Supplement Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) (Link)
  • Are Claims of Skin Benefits from Taking Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Evidence-Based?  (Link)
  • Could a Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Skin Cream Be More Effective than a Nicotinamide/Niacinamide Skin Cream? (Link)
  • NAD+ boosting supplement NR (Consumer Reviews)

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